As the senior-most exams in the DELE catalogue, DELE A1 and DELE A2 called for an upgrade to adapt them to the certification system developed with later exams and introduce administration and marking improvements. Moreover in DELE A2, established as a requirement for non-Spanish speakers seeking Spanish citizenship, exam operationality had to be analysed in the context of the candidate profile, which differed from that of students wishing to certify their mastery of the Spanish language for academic or professional reasons.
After the necessary changes were identified on the grounds of observation, surveys and psychometric reports, formats for the two exams were formulated and tested and will be implemented in the first DELE exams held in 2020: DELE A2 in February and DELE A1 in April.
In both cases the level certified will continue to match those defined in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment (CEFR) and the Cervantes Institute’s syllabus, to which they have been linked as recommended in the Council of Europe’s manual Relating Language Examinations to the ‘Common European Framework of References for Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment’.
No variations have been made to exam registration, announcements, publication of marks or certification relative to the former DELE A1 and DELE A2 exams or the DELE system.