The major changes in the DELE A1 are summarised below.
Reading comprehension test
- Exercise 1: three rather than four options in each multiple-choice item.
- Exercise 4: closed rather than a semi-open answer.
Oral comprehension test
- Adaptation of test duration: 20 to 25 minutes.
- Exercise 1: three rather than four options in each multiple-choice item
- Exercise 4: closed rather than a semi-open answer.
Oral expression and interaction test
- Changes in exercise 3.
- Elimination of exercise 4.
- New marking scales.
Exam specifications
The DELE A1 comprises four tests:
- Reading comprehension (45 min)
- Oral comprehension (25 min)
- Written expression and interaction (25 min)
- Oral expression and interaction (10 min + 10 min preparation)
DELE A1 exam specifications
Sample exam
The Cervantes Institute furnishes a sample of the DELE A1 exam to be administered beginning in April 2020 to enable candidates to familiarise themselves with test structure and format.