DELE Instituto Cervantes

Preparing the DELE A2 exam

DELE A2 prep course

Prepare for the DELE A2 exam with the Cervantes Institute for just €50.

Learn what the four parts of the exam involve.

Candidates on examination

Figure 1. Access screen to DELE A2 prep course.

  • Practice tests taken from real exams: 90 % of the questions used in the course are drawn from the Cervantes Institute’s DELE A2. Go for it!
Screen from the course

Figure 2. Activities screen from DELE A2 prep course.

A video tutor describes what the tests are like. In this sample video, Luis describes the written test.

Figure 3. This video belongs to DELE A2 prep course.

Do you want to know what will happen on the day of the exam? What the oral interview involves? What you’re going to run into? Learn with videos like this. A candidate is interviewed by the oral test examiner:

Figure 4. Figure 3. This video belongs to DELE A2 prep course.

The course is designed to let you study alone, with no teacher. You’ll find lots of tips for understanding the questions and answering them correctly.

Screen from the course

Figure 5. Activities screen from DELE A2 prep course.

Screen with examination hints, from the course

Figure 6. Activities screen from DELE A2 prep course.

Learn what to expect in the exam with over 100 activities.

Screen from the course.

Figure 7. Activities screen from DELE A2 prep course.